Flashes of light

Did you say it?

We go through life, breaking the speed limit at every turn. The Speeding fines are building up. Every day, we race to get all sorts of things done: Replying to all the emails sent in since you left the office the night before, grocery shopping, banking, getting a work-out in, talking on the phone, filling in forms, wrestling with our own thoughts- the list goes on. It's all so fast.

Did you say it?

Do we stop, forcing the flashes of light that make up night and day to come to a halt? Do we pause, to take a breath and look around at the subliminal scenery that only exists in our world to make up something to fight against each day? Do we take a step to the side and remove ourselves from a given situation, in order to see what we are missing? Do we breath- in...and out- not just so that we can fit in another sentence, but so that we can really breath.

Did you say it?

Do we hear people? When we ask, 'How are you?' at the check out till at the grocery store, do we hear the answer? Do we care? Do we taste the food we 'nuke' in the microwave, or hastily push around on our plates? Do we see how the light changes during different seasons, and how is sits on peoples' skin, washing over their features- each one individual, unique.

Did you say it?

Do you notice the subtle changes that happen around you- the changes to our desperate planet, crying out for help? Do you notice the affect you have on the world? Not just on the earth, but within a co-dependent hierarchy of beings, each dependent on the outcome of the next? Can you say that you have done something to help, to fight for the cause, to make some kind of small difference that could be the catalyst for change?

Did you say it?

Did you invite positivity into your life today? Did you place your faith, and your hope and your life in the hands of someone else, a higher being or the hands of fate? Did you feel the warmth that comes from being adored and admired by someone? It rises from the depths of your soul and bursts free, through every inch of your skin, making it tingle. Did you send it back? Have you laughed recently- that laugh that rocks you to the core, leaving your muscles weak and empowered?

Did you say it?

Life is passing us by. With every second that ticks, like a dripping tap, precious moments slip through the cracks and evaporate. Slow down. Breath. Live. Love! Leave the paperwork for another day. Fight for your right to live your own life, without distraction, without inhibition. Take less for granted and give more to yourself. Acknowledge those who make your life better, who love you and appreciate you. Give them the credit that they deserve because without them, life would be soulless and devoid of texture. The ones that love you, that are in love with you, that admire or look up to you... they are the ones who create that feeling of serenity when you stand in the sun on a clear day and feel the breeze dance over your skin. The ones who support you, who hold your hand, or place theirs on the small of your back when you think that you can't go on? They are the ones who share that proud feeling when you feel like your heart will burst with joy.

Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You have changed my life.' Did you say that?


  1. So true - so many opportunities pass you by without one affirming the moment and making it special. Don't wait until you are old to realise what being young is all about.

  2. Ummmmm.... not sure who is writing this blog, can't possibly be my little sister! Very good Mouse


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