If you hear one message today, hear this one.

My job has been taking me on so many incredible journeys lately. One of the big ones has been a journey of self-discovery (which I will get into at a later stage). For now, I am focusing on something I have been so lucky to be introduced to- playing my own part in saving our planet.

You will notice, if you read my posts, that I talk at length about our affect on the planet and how we need to work on ourselves in order to work on the planet, how we need to slow down and yield to the solar system and take control of all that we do so that we can gain respect back from the planet. It all sounds very hippie, I'm sure. But I will not stop talking about this topic. I have new-found passion for it and I am hoping that something will spark in you like it did in me.

I am busy reading the most inspirational book (as part of my job, but interesting none the less). 'The Secret Life of Water' by Masaru Emoto. Something he said has resonated with me so profoundly that I feel the urge to share it with as many people as will listen, or hear, or take notice. It is an important message. One that is so easy to ignore or forget about. One that many people have heard in their life time but not many have acted upon. It is a simple message, one that could easily slip under the radar and out the door.

"Many aspects of our modern society appear to be in destruction mode. For the pursuit of momentary pleasure and convenience, the cyclical laws of nature have been ignored and replaced by the convenience of use-once-and-throw-away. And we are beginning to hear the groaning from our tortured planet. We are at a point when we must realize that if we want to continue to call this planet our home, we need to change- not the planet, but ourselves.


Healing isn't only about the recovery of our own physical health. We need to think about the healing of the land, the rivers, the oceans, and the planet in its entirety. But what does healing the planet really mean? The answer is a return to the circle of life- the circulation of resources, of water, and of life. That is our responsibility as occupants of this delicate and crystal-like planet." Masaru Emoto- The Secret Life of Water

I wish I had written these words but I take great comfort in knowing that I am invested in them all the same. I believe wholeheartedly in what Emoto is saying here and each word resonates with me like the notes played by a large cello in a string quartet.

Please, if you hear one thing today, let it be these words. It cannot be done tomorrow. We cannot push 'snooze'. It will be over before you know it and it will be a monumental mistake- an irreparable mistake that we will never be able to pay for.

Love and Gratitude to you all x


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