Twinkle Twinkle little Star gets replaced with Lady Gaga.

I have got to the age where I can now see other kids growing up too fast. Neve and I were doddling along in the beautiful Cape Town weather this afternoon on our way back from the school run. As is customary, Neve asks for Lady Gaga to be put on. As is expected of me, I oblige.

Me: Neve, we're going to have to learn some new songs on this CD, sausage- Poker Face is getting seriously old

Neve: nooooooooooooooooo Whyyyyyyyyyyy? But I don't know any other songs!

Me: You are going to kill that song Neve. You've KILLED it! (smiling to myself)

Neve: *Shocked expression*.Pause. (Tiny, mouse-like voice) What do you mean I've killed it?

Me: Let's listen to a new song

Neve: Ok. Disco Stick.

Me: Disco Stick? You sure? Here we go...

BLOW ME DOWN. Neve busted out every single word from the song.

Neve. Is. Five. Years. Old.

Just so that you can understand why I feel the need to write about this, here are the words to Disco Stick ( Love Game) by Lady Gaga... something that would make a stripper blush.

Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you, babe
It's complicated and stupid
Got my ass squeezed by sexy cupid
Guess he wants to play, wants to play
I love game, I love game

Hold me and love me
Just want touch you for a minute
Baby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit it

I'm on a mission and it involves some heavy touching, yeah
You've indicated your interest, I'm educated in sex, yes
and now I want it bad, want it bad
I love game, I love game

I can see you staring there from across the block
with a smile on your mouth and your hand on your c (huh!)
The story of us, it always starts the same
A boy and a girl and a (huh!) and a game

Needless to say (after hearing the song so many times) I have come up with answers to every single question she could possibly ask.

Neve: What is 'sex, yes'?

Me: Success? Oh, that's when you do something really well.

Neve: What's a disco stick?

Me: It's like a sucker that you eat while you dancing at a disco- very bad for your teeth.

Poker Face is Dead. Disco Stick is dying a slow, painful death. What's next? I tried some classic Coldplay... didn't stick. I definitely won't be producing any heavy metal or hard rock next. Even if she's not concerned about losing her youth too soon, I'm hanging onto it with bloodied nails.


  1. Mands, I was having this exact conversation with my Dad recently. Ella loooves Poker Face and insists on having it blaring out of Steve's ipod into her 3 year old ears! I was saying to him that at 3 I'm sure my favoutite songs were either Twinkle Twinkle or Jingle Bells!
    Check out sometime :) and have a divine weekend. xxx

  2. i meant favourite - not favoutite - my fingers are too cold to even hit the correct keys!

  3. Your Dad heard the song, and was thoroughly grumpy about the words. Whatever happened to Gummy Bears, and the like! She definitely needs to hear something different!


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