Jamie's return to school dinners gets my vote.

I got home from work, thankful that my very Blue Monday was almost over and looking forward to some couch time with my TV. Slippers, PJ Pants and Hoodie on, I turned on the TV to channel 180 on DSTV to find 'Jamie's return to school dinners'.

I really applaud what he is doing (albeit that the series was aired in Britain during 2008, but I can applaud in retrospect, can't I?). Here is someone who actually cares about what is going on in Britain's school system. As he said in this week's show, "This isn't the Fucking Jamie Oliver show, this is the future of our children" and to that I really raise my glass. We need more people to actually give a crap about what kids are eating on a daily basis, what they are doing to their bodies and the vast repercussions that that may have on their body image, emotional health and how that may influence who they are and their role in society as a whole when they grow up and become accountable for themselves and others.

Jamie highlights that without the help of the lazy, un-motivated, fat parents, none of this will ever be possible. Parents need to get home from work while their kids are still awake and find out what they actually need as opposed to what they simply beg for when their mothers do the monthly shop. Parents need to take time out to actually listen to their kids instead of tuning out when their little ones start wining because they are coming down from such an enormous sugar rush. They need to start taking responsibility for the children who depend on their better judgment every day!

When I was at school in Johannesburg, we simply were not allowed to bring shit to school in our lunch box. In fact it was just one of the joys that Std. 5 brought where we were instructed to walk around the playground ( like the 'heavys' we were at that stage) and inspect the younger kids' lunchboxes for sweets and chocolates. We also did not have a tuck shop which made things a whole lot better in my opinion. There's no way I would have said that back then but in hindsight ( god, it's a wonderful thing isn't it!) I now am better off having not gotten used to eating sweets all day and putting on weight prematurely as a nine-year-old. The fact that there was a tuck shop in high school did not matter as everyone was so busy being obsessed with obtaining an eating disorder, they forgot about it.

Moral of the story, in my humble opinion, is as South Africans, lets take a leaf out of Jamie's book and lets give a damn about our childrens' futures. No one wants their children growing up to be selfish, overweight, piggy little things who develop inferiority complexes because they are overweight. Nor do we want out next generation becoming 30% smaller because young adults are dying off due to premature heart disease. Lets give a shit people... no one else is going to do it.

Look after yourself- it is indeed worth it.


  1. Agreed! It's cool to see how the kids slowly change there opinions and tastes as they are forced to eat properly.


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