BA all the way

I wanted to post a quick note before I left work for the day. Yes. I just said that. Before I leave work for the day!

Everyone was very rude about my simple little BA, B. Soc. Scie degree from UCT. As some put it, 'a BA- not-much' degree. I admit that I didn't turn out to be a rocket scientist, or a doctor of medicine, or even a business entrepreneur (although that may come in due course).

After doing my not-so-simple psychology and journalism degree, I went on to get an Honours degree in Advertising and Brand Management. That lead to a brief stint in the Country's top Advertising agency and now a rather interesting job, (that never fails to suprise me,) as the brand manager for two brands. My days are spent mostly cruising the internet for information; emailing people; making phone calls and driving around doing 'market research'. The one part of my job, the part that has prompted me to write this piece, is why I love my job!

Every day, I fetch two little five-year-old girls from school. But, every Wednesday, I take them to have a riding lesson on my horse in Hout Bay. It really is a tough life when you have to leave work, before lunch even begins, to go and spend time with two dear little girls and your horse!

Today ( because the weather is so atrocious) I have been instructed to take them to the waterfront, buy them lunch from Primi Piatti and then, I have to take them to a movie. A MOVIE! In this weather. In the middle of the week! AND I'M GETTING PAID TO DO IT!

I just had to share that with you. Don't cry now- it probably won't last forever. Is the pain in your neck any better from sitting, staring at a computer screen all day without a break? Didn't think so. Ill send you the number of a really good physio.



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