Be a Voluntourist in your own country.

As some of you may know, I recently got offered a second job as a freelance writer. So, my first assignment was to write a piece about the new phenomenon that is VolunTourism.

It's a new concept, that I certainly had not heard of before. Basically, Voluntourism is an amalgamation of volunteering and tourism. It's the idea of combining experiencing a different destination and culture while volunteering your services to help the community. It's a vacation with satisfaction and mutual benefit. This, as I said, is something new to me (which, by the way is why I am being commissioned to write the piece in the first place, as so many South African's don't know what volunteering really is, never mind paying someone else so that they can volunteer) and it makes me happy to hear that at least 80% of people surveyed said that they would definitely consider lending a hand in a place that they went on holiday.

The cool thing about this is that you get to go on holiday, relax, de-stress, take time off and then get stuck in to help the community in which you have been relaxing. Basically, all the guilt that you have racked up setting your pretty little butt down on a sun lounger gets to disappear when, the very next day, you can lend a hand in a local school teaching rural kids how to speak English or coach a kids' soccer team.

Better still, you could even go on holiday and plan that shark cage diving trip you have been so petrified but so desperate to do, and while staring into the black eyes of those raggey sharks, you could also be helping to conserve the eco-system with the knowledge that you have learned while volunteering.

Unfortunately though, SAFA's are known for there inactive volunteering spirit. Which is why voluntourism may come as a shock to most people. "What!" you say when posed with the idea, "You want me to pay money to go to a rural area somewhere else in the world and you want me to help out?!".

Maybe the volunteering spirit is something that we could foster a little more? All over our country, there are people, families, orphans, animals and whole communities that could benefit from a little outside help. It doesn't take much more than a little extra determination, a trip in your car to a spot that you think could use some love and attention and a bit of 'gees'. I for one am an avid animal lover and, after doing all of my research, have vowed to go and help out at the local D.A.R.G in Hout Bay. It's not going to shake the world but a few lonely dogs will get taken out for a walk that day by someone who loves them and is truly passionate about helping to make their lives better.

I hope that by giving you a little information on the topic, that some of you may feel a bit more inspired to go and lend a hand. We are a truly wonderful, exquisite country full of amazing opportunity- all we need is a little 'hand on the small of our back' so to speak.

Go. Get your hands dirty! Lend a hand. Sleep well at night and help our beautiful South Africa to thrive as it should do!


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