Missing: Muse

Once again, I feel that an apology is in order for the lack of posts lately. My very stylish brother just popped in for tea and reminded me that I had not posted any Ramblings lately.

I have just returned to a blustery, cold and rainy Cape Town from a warm and sunny Natal and it has taken me a few days to adjust to the cold. My clothes from my overweight luggage have made it out of my suitcase but have yet to magically levitate into my cupboard. I'm ok with the fact that I shift everything to the floor when I go to sleep at night, and then 'neatly' shove it all back onto my bed after I have made it in the morning- I'm ok with that. Really. The weekend is around the corner. I shall think about unpacking then.

As for the rest of me, it is with a very heavy heart that I return to my day-to-day routine. The past week has been so lovely. I have spend quality time with my parents- we eat all our meals around our dining room table together and I have so enjoyed the intellectual conversation and the togetherness that we share when I am at home with them.

One more perk that I enjoyed was getting to see The Iron-man every day. Unfortunately, as soon as my somewhat freezing slop-clad foot touched down on the airplane stairs in Cape Town, I realised how much I take him for granted. That hug as we passed each other while I was making tea in the kitchen and he was on his way out the door is something that I take for granted too much. Now, all I have to hug in this cold apartment is the Stuffed Bear he gave me for one of our month-a-versaries- or was it Christmas? Again. Iron-man: I take you and your stuffed animals for granted all the time!

One more slice of joy that I have been missing is my dogs. Troon (our big, beautiful, devilishly handsome golden retriever) aka: Spoono/ Troon Daddy/ The Ranger. Lizzi (the totally neurotic, joined-at-the-hip-to-my-mum, black and white spotty jack russel) aka: Bettry dog/Lizbeth/rat-fink/goggle-eyes/spoilt-brat. Last, but most certainly NOT least is Georgi. George is our undeniably gorgeous, transfixing, completely lovable Golden Retriever. She is the star of the household petting zoo...(I won't bring the geese, ducks and others into this) ... and will get the attention and love that she feeds off of with one simple brown-eyed look that says "Love me. It.Is.Time." Georgi also has a myriad of nicknames (as one does in our family). Georgina, Georgie, Gooorg (said with a french accent-emphasis on the 'r' and less on the 'g'), The Blonde, Slap Chip and Vienna Sausage.

So, as Wednesday comes to a close and I have a whole weekend to fill up- so as not to be a lonely, pathetic loser who stays in her pajamas because 'no one invites me to do anything'-I think about my week at home. To be totally honest, my muse was not missing. I am not sorry that I didn't write something every day on my blog, because I have been out enjoying my time with my loved ones. Now, alone, there is plenty of time to pour out my thoughts and to try and forget how I take the people who matter in my life for granted. How sad-my muse is loneliness.


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