There are two things that are certain about me:
1. I am not a natural runner. I wasn't built for running- I don't have the physique or the natural ability. I'm much more suited to couch-potato-ing but I decided that it would be more beneficial not to pursue that talent.
2. I'm not a fan of Valentines day. I'm a hopeless romantic, yes. But I don't agree with the forced love that people create just because the date on the calender demands it.

Cut to me running under a blow-up banner as the gun resonates in the foothills of Kirstenbosch at the start of my first 10km trail run. My first 10km distance ever. On a trail. Going up table mountain. On Valentines day. 

If it wasn't for F1 and F2 (the couple that Ironman and I have recently 'fallen in love with'- more about that on another post), we would have probably eaten steamed chicken and veggies at home and allowed each other a guilt-free slab of chocolate as our Valentine's day present to each other. F1 (name changed for anonymity) is what we call 'a joiner'. He's chilled-out, on everyone's good-side and game for a walk down the street in the middle of a thunderstorm. (Translation? Anything). F2 is a Leo (as am I), an excellent cook and equally game for that walk in the rain. They ooze spontaneity. And they pass it on to others. So, when Ironman and I got the email from F1 asking if we wanted to join them on a Valentines trail run, we couldn't resist.

No prizes for why Ironman was keen- he would rather run everywhere than walk. Me? I commit to romantic ideas and then reality kick-boxes me in the ass when I eventually wake up. 

My focus leading up to the run was the challenge of running in a beautiful setting with the support of the Ironman and the knowledge that I would be extremely proud of myself having achieved such a big thing for a non-runner. Ironmman promised to run it with me (after coming out of his injuries after being hit by a car a few weeks ago he wasn't fit to sprint anything yet), and he promised to be gentle. On the day I used the power of positive thought and imagined raising a glass of ice-cold champagne to my lips once all was said and done. 

To cut a long story short, I loved every (other) minute. I could have done without the butt-burning stairs and the steep, stoney climbs, but the pain was fleeting, while the pride was ever-strong. My running buddy was incredible. He only got impatient once, and backed off completely when I jumped into the "it's all relative" speech. He held my hand on the flats, pulled me up the hills and carried my annoying water bottle when I couldn't focus on more than putting one foot in front of the other. The praise from him was worth a thousand expensive candle-lit dinners in Monte Casino, and I was so content running along in the wilderness while silently judging all the fat people who were sitting, gorging themselves on over-priced Valentines Day specials.

It was possibly the best Valentines day I have ever had. I was so lucky to spend the time with the Ironman, as well as F1 and F2 who are definitely some of the raddest people we know. I'll be back next year. And I'll be fitter. Runner's World- watch out!

Love and Gratitude 


About the run:  @runnersworldza hosted this amazing event.Their social media presence and interaction was faultless and it made it all the more pleasant. They had organised a flawless event (bar the final marshal cutting off 1.5kms of the course) and created little running-bugs that bit most people who are now on their way to buying trail-running shoes for upcoming events. Follow them here on Twitter and take a look at their website for more running inspiration. You can also peruse the photos of the event as well to inspire you for next year... all it takes is some commitment and a really delicious picnic- Mands


  1. Awesome, well done Mands! I wished a hundred times over I was doing that race!
    Love the blog facelift too xx


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