Photography :: Part One - Christmas Day

I have had the most magical, restful holiday. While I still have a good week or so to go, my time in Natal- and in particular at our family home in the Midlands- is coming to an end.

Every time I come home, I try and capture the beauty, serenity and breath-taking vistas of Mbona. Every time, however, I come away feeling disappointed that I didn't do my home justice.

In this post I feature the first installment of my holiday: A few bits and bobs from our Christmas Day. For the Ritchies, Christmas is less about religion and much, much more about being together as a family and spending some special time together. We start the festivites early (both a few days before Chirstmas and on Christmas morning). My mum does an amazing job decorating the house in her very tasteful manner, and we spend quality time in the kitchen together planning the meals for the week, and preparing all our various fascets of the big Christmas dinner. Her kitchen is the best place to open a recipe book and potter around. One day soon I'll do a post on the kitchen itself and you'll see what I mean- everything from La Crusette to the tried-and-tested utensils from my childhood. Absolutely wonderful!

Christmas morning starts early with fresh coffee and home-made mince-pies and that childhood excitement that will never leave us! We're old enough to shower and change before opening presents. But only just!

Our present opening ceremony is interwoven with champagne and more mince-pies. The dogs get Christmas ribbons (an age-old tradition that I will carry through) and Christmas bones to keep them busy on the manicured lawns overlooking the Albert Falls valley. Once presents are done, Daddy Bear makes his splendid Eggs Benedict- 'a la Peter', and then it's a day for relaxing, a gentle cycle to the lake, a swim and being at home with the family.

My project management skills come in handy when planning the dinner, and Mum and I get elbow deep in chicken and ham with all the trimmings. And, in culmination of a wonderful family Christmas day, we all dress up for a candle-lit dinner at our dinner table and drink and eat far too much! Home-made crackers (yes- home made!) are popped and Troon (Golden Retriever one) hides under the table. We don our Reindeer antlers and melt into the rest of the evening.

It really is a special time for our family that I hope we will always have time for. Our family home is such a special place that I look forward to coming home to and I look forward to many, many more family Christmases with our family, and my kids one day.

Love and Gratitude for family



  1. So good to know that family and tradition are important. It makes home comings even more special, when I see how you view them. Keep writing.


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