Thought for the day

 Ironman and I spent time doing something for souls other than ourselves this weekend. We didn't indulge in expensive drinks, lavish food or the attention of our friends. We spent the weekend giving back to a group of dogs who were just looking for some love and attention. No prizes for guessing how great that felt.

This was a small start to the kind of life that Ironman and I want to begin to lead. We've talked about it a lot lately, especially about what we can do and where we can make a difference. We want it to be less about the benefit that we can gain and more about doing stuff that will help others. We personally adore animals so we thought that would be a natural place to start.

 There's so much more to say on this subject, and I will definitely be sharing more of where we're at and the reasons behind it. For now, please read these words. Really read them. Soak them up and let them settle somewhere comfy within you. Because I feel that if we all tried to live by the combination of these letters, just a little bit more, the world would begin to spin with positive effect.

Love and Gratitude for dogs.



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