
There's only one thing on my mind at the moment, and that is to heal.

Mine is a physical and emotional healing. But whatever it is you need to heal from (and we all have something that needs to heal as a result of this fast-paced, stress-out, toxic lifestyle that we lead), my advice would be to take it one step at a time.

Think positively.

Breath in. Breath out. Repeat.

Do the things that make you happy. Skip the things that don't. You can get back to them when you are healthy again.

Your mind is a powerful thing- both in a positive and not so positive way. Choose to use it for the former and not for the latter.

Eat chocolate. It's better than pain killers.

Be around animals. They operate on a totally different level that has the ability to calm and touch you in a way that humans cannot.

Positive affirmations, said over and over again in the internal dialogue of your mind, work wonders.


Drink Tea.

Love and be loved. It's a warm blanket during a cold snap.

Think healthy and you will be healthy.

Love and Gratitude



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