It's funny how, on a subconscious level, you seem to know what's always best for yourself. About 3 months ago, before work got really hectic and my work-life-balance went out of kilter, I booked off a long weekend's worth of leave to escape Cape Town and spend some much needed time in the warmth and comfort of my parents' home in the Natal Midlands.
I started this post while relaxing at home. Unfortunately, something (more worthwhile I'm sure) distracted me and I didn't get to finish it right then. Nevertheless, I set aside this evening to finish and post a few pictures from my weekend so that I could hang onto the sublime state I managed to find for a while longer.
I'm never sure how our family rates in terms of other family dynamics. I don't know if we're super close or simply average. All I really know (or care about) is that my family is close-knit and an integral part of my life. Suffice to say, this trip home was just what I needed to repair some of the wear and tear of my soul of late.
I really want to try and capture the essence of our family house. It has been a dream build for my mum and dad and coming home [was] absolute heaven. Here are some of the pictures I took of sunrise over the Umgeni Valley on my first morning home, and of how the morning light gets bounced around the exposed beams and carefully planned nooks of Wellesley.
During a relaxed Sunday Lunch last weekend, my folks and I got onto the topic of what my goals are and where I see myself going. Simply put, I aspire to enjoy my job no matter what I'm doing, broaden my horizons, and make enough money to be able to be where they are right now- living in a dream house, doing the things I most want to do every day, just because I can. With a yard full of horses outside my back door.
Karkloof Road- one of my favourite views |
Sunrise over the Umgeni Valley |
Wellesley |
Morning light bouncing around the beams |
View from above |
Grandy's Captain's Chair |
First cappuccino of the day |
Home made bread & Chardonnay |
Lizzie hunting lizards |
The lesser-spotted Jack Russel |
Georgie- AKA The Sunshine Dog |
Troon- AKA The Gramophone Dog |
Mum & Dad |
Love for Natal, home and holidays.
Gratitude for my Family.
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