I love the internet

I'm quietly browsing the Internet and catching up on some social networking with some of the free time that has recently become available. I was so pleasantly surprised to see my little Blog listed on Sam Duff's blog Big City Life amongst some of the greats of the blogging world.

On an otherwise gloomy (both weather and mood) day, this made me light up!

Check out Sam's blog and follow her on Twitter ( @Samantha_Duff) for some entertainment and Foodie news and views- She's a crazy kid!

Tomorrow I grapple with my quarter-century crisis. It's my birthday (YAY) so I'm sure there will be stories to tell on Monday.

Happy Friday, and Happy reading.

Love and Gratitude


  1. wow thats awesome :)
    I will check out her blog aswell

  2. Awesome Mands, that's wonderful!
    Hope you and my little brother have placed your votes for my blog... :-)
    Hope too that he's planning on spoiling you tomorrow, we'll give you a call during the day xx


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