Hump Slump

It's well after 5:00pm again, and I am still sitting at my desk, staring at my To-do list and thinking about work.
I am fully aware that there has been no recent activity that warrants any sort of acknowledgement on this blog. Life's not all about being creatively inspired. Someone has to bring home the bacon.

After a day of briefs, reverts, purchase orders, billings, phone calls, PowerPoint, MXS, contact reports, status sheets, artwork changes, copy changes, layout changes and brand-positioning, I name my current state of mind The Hump Day Slump (or Hump Slump for short).

So, to answer your question, no- I am not going to write anything of great importance tonight. My eyes are like train-tracks and my thoughts are as fleeting as the sunshine in the rest of the country of late. I'm really just writing this so that those RSS feeds keep ticking over for all of you, and so that it looks like there's real activity on The Pocket Rambler.

After all perception is reality, right?

I'm in the process of editing some more photographs which I will hopefully share with you all soon. In the mean time, I need to drag my ass out of this Agency, into my gym clothes and get ready for a training session with The Ironman.

Happy Hump Day (but more happy that it's over)!
Love and Gratitude


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