Ten Lessons Learned from SNUS

1. Just because you get thrown in the deep- end doesn’t mean you are sure to drown. There will be someone walking along the edge of the pool watching your doggie paddle turn into perfect swimming strokes.

2. Never lose respect for the wondrous thing that is ‘the idea’. It can carry you on it’s shoulders until you are ready to walk and see it’s true value, from all angles of the desert called Process. A real oasis will appear. Wait for it. It may end up changing your life.

3. Never, ever, get too big for your boots. Humility is a much nicer colour on you than arrogance ever will be.

4. Nurture your talent for seeking skill in other people. You will never be the best at everything. However, other people who are brilliant at what they do will only enhance the skill that you hold within yourself. Their skill will embellish yours. That is a beautiful and powerful thing to behold.

5. Take praise as equally as you take criticism. The balance between the two is where the magic lies.

6. No matter if you are 22 or 62, there is always something worth learning from one another. 

7. Push the boundaries. Never settle for the status quo. Being average is as useful as a VCR recorder- It sits in the middle draw and gathers dust- while being exceptional allows you to play on the top shelf.

8. Your significant other is just that: Significant. Mine picks me up when I am down. Mine wipes my tears and replaces them with perspective. Mine listens to my ranting before knowing exactly what to say to quell the anger. They bear the brunt of frustration, annoyance and general exhaustion. Be kind. Make them some pancakes once every other Sunday morning. Don’t forget to say Thank You. (Thank You, Ironman. You are the bombdiggedy).

9. The only constant thing in life is change. Embrace it. Use it to your advantage. Whether it is as good as a holiday, I am not sure. Whatever you do, do NOT get too comfortable. You will find yourself kicked off the bus before having had the chance to pack your bags and say goodbye to your cat. You’ll pretty much be eating dust. Dust doesn’t taste nice. Change is your ticket to the next destination.

Most importantly…

10. People are what matter the most. Not the work. Not the ideas. Not the pen that you write with or the car that you drive. Without incredible people to work with, without a team that you can rely on to kick you up the butt when you are slacking off, to put a hand on the small of the back when you are struggling and to high-five you when all is said and done, you are nothing. It’s in the people where the music lies. Once you’ve found your music, you’ll be laughing.

Pedro, Tesh, Dave,  Cams, Glenn, Justin, Vossie and Faatima.
With love and gratitude


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