Thought for the day...

Time is a commodity that I do not have of late. And, while I still have ideas and ramblings that I need to get off my chest, I find my day being eaten up by the little pack-man that follows me around. So, being a lady of strategies, I think the simple solution is to share my thoughts with you and leave my ramblings to time that I can actually dedicate instead of throw at you.

Thought for the day, then:

Be Yourself.

In a world filled with misconceptions about who we are, trends that need following and quotas to be filled- don't forget to let yourself be who you are. Without sounding like the inside of a Cardies Card, be yourself, don't feign your affection for anyone else and accept the way people think of you. It can be a tough thing to do, and something that a lot of us (including myself) tend to shy away from and put in a box for another day. But, if you can do that, Life's a peach tart!

Happy Wednesday lovelies

Love and Gratitude x


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