Setting My Intentions for today

Life in the bush is never as it is 'everywhere else'. I have just returned from some time away with my family, and some time to refresh and regroup. With 4 and a half days left of 2016, it's not quite the New Year, but it's the beginning of the next cycle for me, which means I am thinking about refreshing, renewing, setting intentions and changing mindsets for this next phase.

While everyone is still enjoying their Christmas Break, and winding down to New Year's Eve, I'm back to the bush, and happy to be back among this bush family that has grown over the last two years. I felt a sense of soft landing as I arrived back on our airstrip- not just physically in terms of the landing of the plane, but emotionally as well, as I felt an envelopment of this place, the beauty and the people around me. The first afternoon back is always filled with knocks at the door, and messages from friends confirming that you're back safely, and passing by for a welcome-back hug and a quick catch-up.

If the past year has taught me anything it's that each day must start anew. Not just in that the sun comes up fresh, each day, but that yesterday is gone, and all you have from it are the lessons you've learned- about yourself, the people around you and this life that we live.

So I'm starting today, and this cycle by setting intentions for myself, and starting anew:

> Start each day with compassion and understanding, for myself and for others
> Practice the art of meditation, and centering myself in amongst the chatter and noise of everything going on around me
> Be kind and forgiving with myself
> Practice my creativity, as it's the key to my happiness, and the key to my soul
> Be a good person
> Breathe in. Breathe Out.
> Listen : Pause : Think : Respond
> Write & Journal my way through my thoughts

There are so many intentions that I could set for myself, but these are great for right now.

Love & Gratitude

- AR


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