The Theatre of Dressage

Horsey People are wonderfully dramatic- almost theatrical- especially when they know other horsey people are watching them. They (and I should actually say 'we' as I am a Horsey Person myself, but not to this extent) bandy around loud and wildly inflated remarks. They spread rumors about their competitors and hold back for no man. Horsey people give off an exceedingly protective aura- one that only highlights how vulnerable they really are. They compete against you for years, walk courses with you for years, stand behind you in catering lines for years and stand next to you in line-ups, year after year. Each year, however, they refuse to greet you- and if they do, it's with a pinched smile and wary, unfamiliar eyes.

The Theatre of 'The Dressage Show' is even more extravagant, even more embellished and even more dramatic than the show-jumping world. Actors with tight white pants and highly polished boots strut around, throwing comments out to all and sundry- to anyone who will listen.

Nerves are at their height, tempers stretched to breaking point. They are practiced, poised and ready for action. One stray remark in the warm-up arena can swiftly derail their train, but their downfall will be long, drawn-out and painful for all who have caused it.

Bright, shiny spurs click as The Actors walk past. Their long whips poised in their hands-as a soldier with a sword. Horses stand ready. Waiting. Anticipating their test with quivering muscles. Their tack is polished, assembled and of the highest quality. Clouds of steam and morning mist rise from the company of practicing horses. A shrill and seasoned voice cuts through the crisp air and calls The Actors for their Judgment.

And then the dance begins.

Love and Gratitude x

PS: My First attempt at Horse Photography- blurred photos add to the romance of the Great Equestrian Sport... go easy on me.


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