Soccer Fever and the rhythm of the city.

I couldn't let the sun be too long in the sky this morning without posting something about this incredible day. I will be the first to acknowledge that I have not been the most positive about this World Cup. Maybe it's a bit of The Iron-man's 'realistic thinking' rubbing off on me, but I really did not believe that we could pull this off.

So, while running on the treadmill while the birds were still asleep this morning, I plugged into Sky News and heard what the Brits had to say. Every single mainstream newspaper features South Africa and the beginning of the World Cup this afternoon. The majority of the clips featured the 'gees' and the vibe in and around South Africa. The world is no longer whispering about our beautiful country- they are shouting about it from their media roof-tops.

I had to snap myself out of thought in order to realize that I was literally a few meters away from where France will play Uruguay tonight, and where Capetonians will offer up their hearts and souls to the rest of the world for the first time. I felt like David standing in front of Goliath.

As I drove home from gym, a little after 6:00am this morning, I was struck by the already familiar sound of vuvuzelas blowing along the streets of Green Point. It may be something that will keep me awake at night, that foreigners find annoying and that makes ones lips bleed; but that sound says more than any speech from any South African spokesperson ever could- it's the sound of excitement, and the sound of pride.

As much as I hate to admit that I am wrong, I really do believe that Cape Town, and the rest of the country, is ready to welcome all football fans today. I hope that, for one month, we can show the rest of the world what makes each and every South African proud to call this place home.

So, as Iron-man packs up my TV to take to work, in order to watch the Bafana Boys take on the dirty Mexicans with his colleagues, and I think about my day ahead, I look forward to the month to come. I may not know how to blow a vuvuzela but my heart definitely beats to the rhythm of this City and all the opportunity and excitement that lies ahead.

Love, peace and gratitude.



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