ANDAND- A New Dawn. A New Day.

I hate empty apologies. To me, a person who is capable of an empty, fake apology is someone to be wary of. It shows someone who can lie easily, who can gloss over any feeling of guilt and who holds no regard for the power of an apology in the first place. In order for you to apologize, you must feel at least one of three things: Regret, remorse or embarrassment. Those three emotions are, to me, very powerful. They hold a great deal of meaning for me and are places I don’t like to visit often. An apology need not be completely vindicating. However, it certainly needs to be the starting gun, the opening credits or the inauguration of a new start.

I regret not having written on my blog for so long. I feel guilty that it has taken me until the 14th of January to write my first piece of the new year and I am embarrassed at my laziness to write. For, in my defense, I don’t believe that it has been complete laziness and lack of regard on my part. I haven’t been in a space where I was able to write anything of late. There’s no need for excuses and justification- only room for a new beginning. So, with that said, I am sorry for neglecting my blog.

So many things have happened over the last few months. Some have been amazing- like how well the Iron-man has done in his recent studies and how hard he has worked. The completion of our new family home- Wellesley House- in Natal is a job, most certainly, well done by all parties involved. It is the fulfillment of a dream and is truly a magnificent home, one that I know the whole family is proud of. It is our new place of sanctuary and a literal slice of heaven that I cannot wait to get back to.
Some things, however, will not be missed. My recent dose of shingles came as a surprise and will not be soon forgotten- a not so subtle reminder to take it easy.

I, along with the rest of my family (but let’s face it, this is my blog so I am allowed to speak for myself alone), had to do something very difficult a few weeks ago. My big brother, the clever CA, realized his dream and moved to New York City. For the past few years, he has been dreaming of living and working in New York. When the news filtered down the family grape- vine that J had been offered a job in NYC, I felt nothing but pride and happiness for him. And, even as the day for goodbyes came closer, I didn’t quite grasp what it would be like to live out half a year devoid of him and all that came with him: Saturday afternoon tea dates, Sunday night movies, big bear hugs and endless (free) computer advice. When the time came to say goodbye, I did what any normal little sister would do- I drizzed my eyes out. It was with a great amount of sadness that I hugged him, for the last time in a long while, and whispered in his ear to look after himself. It still brings tears to my cheeks to write about it. Nevertheless, although it was terribly sad to say goodbye, I am wholeheartedly ecstatic for, and suitably jealous of, him and what lies ahead for him and his miniature blonde lady-friend over the next year. I hope that, wherever he is, his cheeks are rosy and his heart is full.

Apart from a good five months of feeling jealous of other people’s overseas adventures, I, too, have lots to look forward to this year. I have proclaimed 2010 ‘The Year of the Written Word’- or, “ The year where I’m going to write a whole bunch of cool stuff”. I also have the launch of the project that I have been working on for the last year on the horizon. Hopefully it will be a brand that will be lovingly, peacefully and abundantly welcomed into the world. (A word of warning, however: Treat it like your sister in law’s new baby: No matter what you really think of it, tell it how beautiful it is, how much it resembles it’s parents and how glad you are that it has arrived. Otherwise, face certain doom. Thanks ever so much.)

For me 2010 doesn’t bring the Soccer World Cup. It doesn’t bring ‘new years resolutions’. It doesn’t bring fairy dust or a magic wand. It brings a new beginning- simple, yet effective. A.N.D.A.N.D- A New Dawn. A New Day.

The start of a new year brings a time for me to note the good parts of the previous year, celebrate and remember the great parts and a time to let go of all the mistakes, bad decision and errors in judgments I have made. I allow myself to place all my emphasis on what is to come and to leave no energy behind. It’s a time to re-group. It’s a time to take a step back to remember where I’m going and then to dance right back into life. For me, the beginning of this new year is a reminder to be more forgiving of my mistakes, to be kinder to myself and to fill my days and hours with things that I love- whether that’s with people, pets, music or pass-times. A new beginning means less sadness, less despair and less depression. A new beginning means more love, more light, more peace, more creativity and much more laughter.

More than anything, this beginning brings freshness. It’s like the freshly cut mint in a Mojito, the hint of chili in a prawn curry and the taste of the air on a crisp, Cape Town morning. And, just as that freshness reaches all who wander into it, may it reach you, too.

Happy New Year, lovelies. Sending out Love, Peace, abundance and light to every one of you!



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