Boarding school blues

If any of you have been to boarding school, my title will speak for itself.

I have just returned from a holiday that was nothing short of perfect. My family and I spent a week in the Okavango Delta, on an island with no electricity, no cell phone reception, no Twitter/ Facebook/ Gmail/ Google Analytics and... no blog.

Details about the holiday are to follow, but to be honest- right now- I simply don't have the strength to write about my holiday and all the wonderful memories, breathtaking experiences and other tasty details. I have a serious case of the boarding school blues: I didn't know where I was this morning when I woke up because there was no mozzie net draped above my head. There were no birds talking to each other, Hippo snorting or crocks shuffling through the leaves. There was no cry of the fish eagle or drum of the boat motor as it returned from the early morning fishing run. There was just work, laundry, depression at being broke, work, breakfast to make, emails to check...the list goes on.

So, for now, I am going to wallow in my blues. I hope to have the strength to start my writing spree very soon.

If I were you, I would relish this lull in posts because, once I get going, there is so much to write about and many, many stories to tell about my breathtaking holiday at Xnamaseri.

I must get back to work.......*vomit*


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